St. Mary’s is fully accessible, with convenient parking available in the churchyard.
You can watch our services live or explore our archive of past services via the parish webcam. Click the play button to access the live stream or access the stream from https://churchmedia.tv/st-marys-howth |
Sunday 2nd February The Feast of the Presentation
9.15 am: Holy Communion 10.30am: Parish Eucharist Tuesday 04th February 7.00pm Ecumenical Service in celebration of St. Brigid Sunday 9th February 9.15am: Holy Communion 10.30am: Service of the Word |
Sunday 16th February
10.30am: Morning Prayer Sunday 23rd February 10.30am: Holy Communion and Sunday Club |
St. Mary's church, Deerpark,
Howth, D13 V259 |
Rectory: (353) 01 832-3019