Lord, you have given us riches beyond measure
Standing OrderDonating to the Parish by standing order can be very helpful in letting us prepare our budget with greater assurity. Please find our bank account details below:
Free Will Offering EnvelopesFor those who wish to give to the Parish on a more scheduled basis, you can approach any of the Church Wardens and ask for Free Will Offering Envelopes.
Name: Howth Parish Select Vestry
IBAN: IE 84 BOFI 9006 9024 7757 83 BIC: BOFIIE2D Sort Code: 900690 For those who give by standing order you will find small written notes indicating this in each pew which you may place on the collection plate during service.
You can also make a donation via the iDonate platform by clicking on the following link Howth Parish |
Legacy GivingGifts in Wills are a natural part of Christian giving and legacy gifts of whatever size can have a significant impact on the life and work of the Church. Click on this link here for information and advice on making planned gifts to the Church.